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Thanks for the help with organization interview to Headbangerscafe!
*Interview was done in April 2014
"This year, I plan on releasing my sophomore Album “Without A Trace”. This album is going to show that I have matured as a song writer as well as showcasing how my guitar playing has improved. I absolutely LOVE creating new music and I’m always trying to raise the bar for myself with each song I create."
"My biggest inspiration is my parents. There are such hard workers, and they support and believe in me every step of the way. When others have put me down when I started playing, or said I wasn’t going to be successful in any way, my parents have always told me not to quit and just keep giving it my best. When I do go through a rough patch, I do find myself listening to music while at the gym, kind of like entering my own little world of solitude. Another scenario would be that I pick up the guitar and just jam out because sometimes the best riffs are written from pure emotion.
Also my inspiration comes from listening to my favorite bands, watching my friends perform & get booked for bigger shows, and of course just learning from my mentor Metal Mike Chlasciak. The hardest part of the process is trying not to sound like a song that has already been released or have a new song sound like one you already recorded. A way that I deal with such a difficulty is that I try to use different guitar styles, techniques, play in a different key/ tuning, or I listen to a band/ song I never heard before so that can help me think out of the box."
"In fact, as for my Band ORBYNOT, I haven’t had a live show in awhile (due to finding the right members). I haven’t stopped writing or recording in the least bit. 2 years ago I released my Debut Album “Try To Stop Me” worldwide and I’m constantly in the studio at least once a week. Although I’m not out performing as much as I want, I currently have over 40 songs already recorded, and it’s the passion for music that keeps me motivated and it’s something I enjoy very much. Creating music and seeing it turn into a finished product is a feeling that is surreal, especially when your hard work receives very positive responses from fans. Difficulties that I’ve encountered are trying to find the right members to perform & write with. Hence, besides drums and vocals, I record all the parts myself. There are so many musicians that unfortunately want to be a Rock Star for a day without putting forth any of the work and want to be paid before they do anything. And even when they do agree, I’ve had the privilege of musicians not returning messages, phone calls, texts, and just somehow “forget”, “Don’t have time”, and/or don’t acknowledge you within 24 hours of your agreement. That can be very discouraging. However, you have to keep your head up until you find the right people. It’s like a relationship that you want to be just right. You can only do so much by yourself, but like I found out recently, it takes team work to make the dream work."
The beginning.
"Hahaha, I remember the first riff I ever played was the intro to “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne and I remember jumping up and down that I was able to play such an iconic song. The first time I wrote and recorded original riffs on my 8-track recorder, I thought it was the coolest thing ever and was so excited to show whoever would listen to it... even though it was so horrible hahaha! It’s just experiencing that first step into a whole new world is just so amazing."
Give up or not give up?
"My advice is that you have to follow your dreams, but you have to be smart at the same time. What people fail to realize is that music is a big investment of time and money. A lot of people think, since they can play, they can get signed. They don’t realize the studios, rehearsal space, equipment, merchandise, etc costs a lot of money. And for me, I’m doing everything by myself which costs a lot more than being in a band where 5 members split everything evenly. You have to keep your day job to help pay for everything, including your bills. Along with doing everything myself, I also have been on the short end of the stick where I don’t get much support from friends when it comes to music. Especially when I started, people didn’t take me seriously and thought of me doing music was a joke and thought it was going to be a passing hobby that I needed to get out of my system. But I’m not a quitter and when I have a passion, I’m going to see it through to the very end. I tell everyone this advice: “I don’t want to be the old man in a rocking chair looking back saying, “What If”? or “I should have, could have”. I always tell people that you HAVE to give it your best. Even if you fail, you can say you failed giving it your best and you can hold your head up high. But you’ll never know unless you try. Also, if you aim Really high, yet fall just short, look at all that you accomplished in the process of reaching that one really high goal."
"Without dreams and dreamers, there would be no creativity in this world. Dreams are what inspire dreamers, and dreamers make those dreams become a reality. I am definitely a dreamer. By not quitting and constantly working towards my goals, I’m going to make those dreams come true.
My dreams are to share the stage with musicians that have inspired me, tour the world playing at sold out arenas, earning fans in the process, being able to create a product that could be heard and recognized at stadiums during sporting events, create music that people will turn to when they need to listen to that certain song, etc. And also raising a family one day and passing my musical talents down to my children."
"Negative reviews work in many different ways. One, they can be a stepping stone for you to improve your product, but at the same time, you have to be open for criticism. But look at it this way, is the person reviewing your material a fan of your genre? It would make sense that a person who is a huge fan of country music won’t necessarily be a huge fan of Heavy Metal. When someone doesn’t understand your music, it’s an open opportunity for you to show them where you’re coming from. However, if someone doesn’t like your music, then that’s ok too. The world, especially the music world, is full of opinions and everyone is entitled to their own. It’s the fans that make the music popular. You can be the most talented artist, spend more time and money in the studio than anyone else, have more material recorded than everyone… but if people don’t enjoy your product, then it’s going to be difficult to move forward. When I first started, I was stubborn and thought I knew everything just because I could play a few riffs. However that all quickly changed when I took the serious approach towards music. Even when I was making my debut album 2 years ago, I was learning and listening to a bunch of other people’s ideas on what direction I should go. But now that I’ve matured and grown in the studio and creative writing field, I’m more humble and focused on what I want and now it feels very natural to me."
Important things in life.
"Family, friends, and music. Following your dreams, living life to the fullest, and making those memories last a lifetime. There’s no promise for tomorrow."
The meaning of music.
"Music is one of those things that everyone can relate to or will turn to. Every band has its style and has their songs that someone will communicate with on a full scale. It can bring the listener into a world of solitude while still in a public place surrounded by a huge crowd. Songs can help relieve heartache, pain, make you laugh, smile, cry, party, dance (mosh if you’re a metal head haha), pump up your adrenaline when you’re about to take on a big task, transport you back to a certain time in your life, can be the theme song for shows, movies, a sport teams’/ wrestler’s entrance, etc. Music is very powerful in this world as it is responsible for many things. If there was a fundamental rule, go with what you feel in your heart and what feels natural."
Last words.
"There are too many people that give up too easily, or just stop trying when they encounter their first road block. Inspiration, determination, and dedication are very important to have, but even more difficult to maintain when negativity or laziness bestows itself upon you. There’s too much talent out there not being heard and losing their way. I’m living proof of people thinking I wouldn’t be where I am today, and here I am still working hard at making the dream come true. If I could try to inspire young musicians, I’ll say a quote from one of my favorite Metal Motivation segments: “If someone else is living your dream, then it’s not impossible”.
I just want to thank all of my fans, family and friends that stuck by me and believe in me. I love you all and can’t wait to show you everything I’ve been up to."