*Interview was done in May 2014.
"I have to like my music first ..."
We are releasing ELVENKING’s new album “THE PAGAN MANIFESTO” these days (out on May, 9th on AFM-Records). I live the creation of new music with freedom, that’s the most important thing but also with a bit of pressure…I have to like my music first, but I know that the most difficult part is to please the listeners and the fans. So I usually leave my new creations untouched for a couple of days and listen to them again and again with a fresh ear, so that I can better understand if the ideas are cool or not. I am also very self-critical and I’m hard to please so sometimes the songwriting process leads to frustration, and when it does, there’s no need for me to keep on trying…I have to wait for inspiration… and inspiration is fundamental.
"I’m excited to be on the road, but I miss my home."
Usually on tour I live mixed feelings. I’m excited to be on the road, but I miss my home. I feel very good about playing in front of many people, but still sometimes, I’d rather hide myself and for example go read a book in total silence. I like to party and have fun but at the same time, I feel tired. Eheh it’s a hard life, but I love it! This kind of mix keeps me alive and willing to go along this journey, full of hard times, but of course full of great satisfactions and fun!
"... simple things, but the ones that really warm my heart."
I think I have found a good balance in my life in the most recent years. I mainly get inspiration from the things that make me feel good. From the people I like, the ones I love, and the things I enjoy doing. But of course most of my songs where born from the bad things that happened to me in the past. As I always say, pain is the main fuel for the best songs and the best lyrics, but fortunately, I also found out that positive energy is of great motivation when creating music. And in life it’s the same…I like to surround myself with the few people I really enjoy, doing the things I love, my girlfriend, my home, my cats, my music, my friends...simple things, but the ones that really warm my heart.

"It was damn scary!"
It was damn scary! (the feeling during very first song) But the kind of scare that makes you happy and stronger…and proud! Even if those are feelings, I’m always very cautious about. I’ve always been a bit insecure about myself. Anyway I often think back to the “big emotions” I lived when I was a kid…I’d really like to capture them and live them once again, even if just for a moment. Yeah I’m quite a nostalgic guy eheh!
"I never take it for granted."
(be on stage) It’s one of the most exciting things for me. And every time it’s like the first time. I never take it for granted. As I said I’ve always been a bit insecure and this always leads me to think that if people enjoys what I’m doing, it’s a big success and I feel thankful.
Making a choice ...
"It’s difficult to find the right balance when you spend so much time and energies doing something you really enjoy and still you’d like to spend all the time in the world with the ones you love. There’s a lot of understanding, patience and love involved and I’m lucky I got all these things so that I can freely live and share my passion with my family."
"I define myself a daydreamer ..."
I define myself a daydreamer because I literally dream and think about a million different things while I’m awake eheh! Actually, I like to live by my dreams to the extent these don’t turn into burning ambitions, since I always prefer to stick my feet to the ground in the end, and not be overwhelmed by my own wishes and desires. But since I can control this balance pretty well, I still like to wander with my head and cultivate my imagination and my “dreamy” side!
"I prefer a great surprise instead of a bad disappointment!"
Actually, I have a million dreams and a million things to achieve since I’m still pretty young you know? :) Most of the things I crave for are personal and it’s all about living and enjoying my life to the maximum. As far as music is concerned, I live it day by day and I love it as it is. I’m thankful for the great things we are doing, but I never wish for more, I’m in peace with that. I prefer a great surprise instead of a bad disappointment!

"It’s part of the game."
When I was a kid I used to feel sorry when I read bad reviews of our music and I used to feel angry if someone didn’t understand our music or talked about it with unflattering words. It happens when you are attached so much to your work... But today I really don’t care. I mean I’m aware that you can’t just please everybody and it’s ok. It’s part of the game. It pisses me off a bit when reviews are badly written, or taken care by “so called” writers who don’t give a shit about what they’re writing about. On the other hand, what I really enjoy is when the reviews are well written and well argued even if they criticize our work.
The most important thing is this life ...
"My world."
Life credo.
"I believe that everything in life can be sorted out with a smart and well-mannered attitude and I absolutely try my best to keep ignorance and negative forces out of the way."
"Music is art and it’s much more important than just a simple .mp3 file inside an ipod."
Music is energy and a way to escape. It can be a very powerful mean to move emotions and believes. It’s a way to express ourselves and pour out what we have inside. Nowadays many people “consume” music instead of living it, probably thanks to technology, social networks and so on. And that’s a pity. Music is art and it’s much more important than just a simple .mp3 file inside an ipod. A better world? There are way too many things I would change! But talking about music I would like to see it as it was back in the 80’s for example, when I was a kid. Years when you bought music, you lived it, you read the lyrics, you enjoyed each detail of the cover art, you had a disc in your hands…and it was one of the most exciting things in life!
To young musicians.
"I can only tell them to enjoy their ride and always live their dream with passion. Don’t discourage yourself when facing the first difficulties and work hard! :)"
Last words.
"Thanks for taking the time to read these words!"