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Thanks for the help with organization interview to Headbangerscafe!
*Interview was done in April 2014
"I am back in the studio working on the 2nd BOYCE album. I am very happy with the first album and I feel pressure to make this new album better! It's "good" pressure. The first album had a lot of different styles. Fans seemed to really like the "flamenco" guitars so I will try to have some in the new material. I think the new album will be a bit heavier, maybe a bit darker as well. Of course it will have progressive elements too. That just comes naturally."
The process of creating.
"Because I am just one man, coming up with all of the parts can be difficult. If I have a really good guitar part, than I want to make sure that the drums are good as well. It takes a lot of practice. I also want to be able to follow the guitar on the bass. And I want my vocals to be in top condition. Another concern is lyrics. I want them to be well thought out. I want the listener to care about what I'm saying...I also want them to understand what I'm singing. I think that is important. Also another thing people might find surprising. When a band practices, they get to hear what the song sounds like and can make changes together. Add parts, remove parts etc... I have very little idea what the song sounds like until I record it. Until it is played back for me to listen to. It can be scary and exciting at the same time."
"My younger brother Sebastian was my best friend. We worked together so we saw each other almost everyday. He was diagnosed with three fatal brain tumors. He battled them for 7 years. He passed away 4 years ago. He never was sad. He never asked "why me"? He never missed a day of work. He will always be my inspiration. As long as I live, my problems are small. He lived with a wonderful sense of humorand I think that is very important to have in this world. So, whenever I feel that I'm going through a tough time, I remember Sebastian and I realize I am alive.... and life is Great!"
"Choosing between family, friends and your dream. I think that is pretty easy. Your family and your true friends will always be there for you. Even if they aren't "supportive", you have to chase your dreams. We only get one life and believe me.. it's shorter than we think. I've heard it said that "the things we regret the most, are the things we didn't do". And I agree. And also, I know it's "easier said than done" but don't be afraid to fail. It happens. How you handle failure is what determines your success. Try and try again. Make sure you're having fun is too short to be miserable.
I still am following my dreams. I love making music, and I want to share it with as many people as possible. I have a guitar next to my bed, next to my couch and at my work. I will always play. It makes me happy and I feel that being happy is the most important thing we can be in this life."
"When I was younger, I used to be hurt by negative press. Let's face it, nobody likes to hear bad things about themselves. But as I grew older I realized, we can't please everyone. Also, some reviewers find that their readers like to read bad reviews more than positive ones. It's human nature. Strange huh? haha Oh well.The bottom line is to make music that YOU like!"
The meaning of music.
"It means more than we might think. People with different backgrounds, different nationalities,different religions, different races will all stand next to each other at a concert and cheer together for the same music. Interesting isn't it? All those differences put aside to enjoy music together. It's a great and powerful thing."
Last words.
"I think it's a wonderful idea to delve deeper into music and find what inspires people and what drives them. And Yes, It is important not only to find inspiration in your every day life, but also to be an inspiration to others. We are all in this world together.
If you love music, Play it! If it makes you happy, Play it! Success in music is like Success in life. If you're're already there. "