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Thanks for the help with organization interview to Headbangerscafe!

*Interview was done in April 2014

New album.


"We’ll be releasing a new album soon, The Lesser Key of Solomon. Like Time’s Arrow, it’s got a lot of things included, such as a book and extras, so it takes a bit of time to put it all together. I love creating new music, but it’s kind of a bummer when you have to wait to release it to the world because we have to put the materials together and wait for everything to be printed and shipped. The hardest part is definitely waiting!"



"I absolutely love being on tour. I enjoy traveling and to me, being on tour with the guys feels like a vacation! Even though we’re working and driving so much, to me it’s really fun to see new places and meet new people and bring them our music. My wish is that we’re able to tour even more places, more countries, and hopefully make our way across the ocean! There isn’t a lot that’s too hard, except maybe eating right. It’s not easy because we don’t often have access to cooking materials and road food is typically pretty bad. Of course, the thing I enjoy the most is performing for a new audience. I love seeing them and meeting them afterwards, too!"




"I’m inspired by my imagination, I think. And my friends. I’ve always been a weird kind of nerd, I love fantasy and science fiction, but I also love history. A few of my lyrics are inspired by historic events, especially history relating to my own Spanish and Central American heritage."




"My husband is helpful, he comes to shows and he supports me. Even my parents come to shows and spread news about us! My mother has wanted me to sing on stage since I was a little girl, so I feel like in a way, I’m not just doing it for myself, but for her as well. If people don’t support you, it must be difficult. I imagine someone who does this without help must be very strong."




"I am a big dreamer. To have a dream and to go out and work for it are two different things, and you can go about it in many ways, but I think my way works for me. I’m not the kind of person who would put all her eggs in one basket. I knew I wanted to sing, but I also wasn’t about to quit school and move to Hollywood because I also wanted to be able to support myself. Nowadays, I feel like I have it all.

My dream is to go on big tours internationally with my band and create a albums for the rest of my life."




"At first I felt bad. Some people don’t get my humor. I remember a friend telling me that some girls thought “Kill That Bitch” was not representative of the female metal community, that I was basically putting down other girls or something. Unfortunately, sometimes people don’t understand my jokes so I have to just let it go when someone doesn’t get it. It’s tough because I want people to laugh with me, but a lot of people just don’t get it."


The most important ...


"Not letting go of my dreams. Not letting all of my hard work go to waste."


Last words.


"Never stop practicing and never stop dreaming. Without you, the world would be a boring place!

Thank you for sticking with me and I’m so happy I can entertain you. Bringing a smile to someone’s face is the greatest feeling in the world."

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