* Interview was done in the summer 2013. Version is not complete, some parts erased.
- What's the most difficult for you during the record of the new album?
- The most difficult … The process itself, I think. Process of writing songs. It always takes a lot of time because I don't want to repeat myself, I want to grow, I want to improve my music. I listen a lot of classical and rock music in searching of inspiration. That's why the process can be pretty long.
- I guess it's common problem of all musicians. Not so simple to create something new when you already so many years on the stage.
- Yes, exactly.
- But when you on the scene and see so many happy face in front of you, what do you feel?
- Oh … It's always wonderful atmosphere on my concerts. And doesn't matter if it's rock or classical concert. I feel kind of connection with my audience and I wish to be able feel it all the time. I'm overcome with emotions when hear how people sings with me my songs. I always sing from the bottom of my heart and my soul soars during the shows … I think the audience also feel it and that's atmosphere is so special.

- Don't you tired of being so famous?
- Haha, I even don't think that I'm really famous! Of course, I'm pretty famous in music world but, for example, now my life is different from what I had in Finland. It was impossible for me to go somewhere in Finland and stay invisible! Some people even tried to talk with me like an old friends, like “Hello Tarja! It's me!”. It happened everywhere … Even in my own house I couldn't open the windows or walk in my garden. My home was always closed. I was like a bird in a cage. “I need an air!” But now I live in Argentina. As Moscow, it very big city. I also have many fans there but I can be myself, I feel freedom. And I enjoy it! So, answer on your question: no, I don't tired of being famous. This is part of my job and all I have to do is to keep balance.
- Could you imagine your life without music?
- No. Absolutely not. I tried … but I couldn't. Whatever I'm doing it's always about music. Without it I wouldn't be me! And sometimes I think that even my daughter now much happier than could be if I wouldn't be a musician.
- And about your daughter, you want to see her as a musician? Like you?
- Oh, it will her choice. As it was for me. When I was a little girl my mum asked me if I want to play the piano. She noticed that I'm interesting in it. I always could make a choice. And I really wanted to be a musician, to be an artist. My parents supported me no matter what. And my daughter … She grows up with parents who live in music world. And we constantly traveling. She listens to music all the time so it will not a surprise for me if someday she'll say that she want to play something by herself. But I want it to be her own choice. And I won't be disappointed if it won't be a music!
- What is the best way to relax for you?
- Way to relax … Coffee? No. I think it's lie down on the bed, close my eyes and breathe, slowly and deeply breathe. Also I like to watch movies. But not always it's possible … For example, last night here in the hotel I lay and watched TV and my daughter sat right here (points on her chest). But she's not just sat, she jumped up-and-down, up-and-down, it was already 1 a.m. but she didn't sleep. Maybe because of time difference. And this happy child just jumped on me! But then she suddenly fell asleep and I thought: “Oh, thanks God ...” So I think the best way to relax is back in your hotel room, take a shower, turn on TV and watch some movie ...
- Let me ask something very abstract. What do you think about wars?
- I think this is a disaster. I can't understand what people feels during the wars because I never lived in such times but I really think that this is big misfortune. For example, religion issues makes people kill each other! This is insane. I travel a lot and differences between people and cultures often inspiring me to create music. But despite of these differences we all are the same. We all fighting with the same problems. Everywhere. And wars are so … stupid. But anyway I would never be part of policy. These is the people who can't say what they really think. And I don't want to be one of them.
- Do you still have any dreams?
- Of course! Of course I do! I'm a dreamer. I live in dream. I want to create more and more and it's really wonderful that I still can do it. Recently in my life happened a lot of changes. But I want keep on working, I want study new things, meet new people, want to travel … I keep on dreaming.
- And last question: what happiness means for you?
- It is very serious question for me. I think I'm happy person. For me it's God's blessing to have such wonderful work and wonderful family. I even can't express how much I appreciate it all. How much I appreciate support from people. Thanks to all of you I can do what I love to do – music. Happiness consists of small things. For example, when my daughter wakes up in the morning and see her mum: “Hello sweetie!”, she's smiling … This is amazing! And day already perfect. I think people should think about their future a bit less. In the end, we will never know what tomorrow bring. In my life I went through many difficult things but I understood: what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.
- Tarja, thank you so much for this wonderful conversation and your time.
- Pleasure for me. Thank you!
- Would you tell a few words to your fans?
- Of course! Hey people, I love you! Can't wait to see you on this special concert. Thank you! Love, love, love!